Unlike the contestants on the Biggest Loser, I do not have the luxury of being on a secluded ranch where the only things I have to do all day are eat, sleep, and exercise (oh yeah...and those pesky challenges & temptations)! I'm living life while trying to lose weight at the same time. And life does NOT stop just because I'm on a diet. That's why I'm looking at Weight Watchers as less of a diet and more of a lifestyle this time around! I have to...or every time something comes along that throws me a curve ball, I'd give up. The past few days has been a fine example of how life can throw you some curve balls!
Our Bible study class at church was throwing a baby shower for a lady in our group who is expecting her first child next month. A brunch baby shower...with lots of opportunities to derail my plan. My original plan was to get up early and have breakfast at home before going so I could stay on track and not be hungry. But, a late start ruined that plan...so off I went. When I first got there, I was busy setting up and stayed away from the food table as much as possible as people were bringing in goodies for the party. As the party got started, the guest of honor was the first in line and it was suggested that I be next since I was heading up the games. Thankfully, the fruit was the first thing I came to on the table, so I made the wise choice of choosing a nice healthy helping of fruit so that my plate looked fuller by the time I got to the other stuff. I took a small portion of the egg casserole and a taste of a few other dishes on the table. Since I was in charge of the games, that kept me occupied while most guests were eating, so I wasn't tempted to go back to the table for seconds (thankfully)! By the time the games were over, I was satisfied with what I had eaten before the games. Shortly after the games, cupcakes were passed around and even though I wanted one, I was so proud of myself for not overdoing it on brunch that it made it easier to resist the cupcake. Thankfully, the friend who was passing out the cupcakes knew what I'm trying to do, so she didn't push. I'm not so sure I would have been able to resist a second offer! ;)
Last night, a girl that I used to babysit when she was little (yes, that makes me feel old!) was passing through town on her way back home and we planned to have dinner so my family could meet her hubby. We had dinner at a local restaurant that is known for their home-style cooking. This is a danger zone, for sure! Especially when you consider that my usual order at this restaurant is their country fried steak! And it's no tiny piece of country fried steak, either! This greasy, breaded, yumminess is about the size of a dinner plate and comes drowning in this amazing white gravy that I can only imagine is full of white flower and grease! Obviously, this was NOT going to do...so I searched the menu for another alternative...which was no easy task since 90% of the menu contained the word "fried" in the description! But...I found an Angus chopped steak on the menu. It came with mushroom gravy (of course)...but I asked them to leave that off (and yes, you CAN make such requests at a restaurant)! Would I have liked to have the mushroom gravy? You betcha! Had I not been on Weight Watchers, you can bet your bottom dollar I would have, too! But, this is all about making changes...even if it's baby steps! Now, I'm sure if you've been to any such restaurant, you know how shiny it was when it arrived...but I took it one step farther and used the paper towels on the table to soak up as much of the grease as I could. And do you know what? Not one person looked at me funny for doing it, either! ;) Sure, I was a little self-conscious since it was my first time meeting Kristen's hubby...but I was not about to let that be the reason I put unnecessary calories into my body! As you might imagine from my description of their country fried steak, this piece of meat was no smaller...12 oz to be exact! So...I cut off a small piece (roughly 3 oz worth) and ate that with the veggies and took the rest home...which I enjoyed for lunch today! And I still have some of the chopped steak left! WOO HOO!
Food is always a challenge for me (I like to eat!)...but exercise makes it easier because (1) I earn extra points that I can trade for food when I exercise, and (2) it puts me in the right frame of mind so that usually, I end up not using those points unless I need them for something special like the events mentioned above. However, exercise has also been a challenge lately. The gym only has limited childcare hours (9-12 and 5-8, Mon-Fri) and I could never get a clear answer on what the youngest age was that could go to childcare. So, last week, I only went on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday evening because that's when my hubby was home to watch them. The rest of the week, I had something going on each evening...which of course, became a convenient excuse, as did the baby shower and other events I had on Saturday. Yesterday, I woke up with a headache, which resulted in a slow start. And since gymnastics is THE reason I watch the Olympics and it was SUPPOSED to be on (according to the TV Guide schedule) at 1:30pm...by the time I felt good enough to work out, I didn't have time to get to the gym and back. BUT...I didn't let that totally stop me! I fired up the Wii and played some tennis for about half an hour. And when I play tennis on the Wii, I really get into it...so there's LOTS of moving around! :) When I finished, I fixed sandwiches for my hubby and me for lunch and sat down to watch what I thought was going to be the gymnastics coverage...ummmm...NOT! There was about 10 minutes of coverage (2 floor routines and 1 bar routine) after watching swimming for 45 minutes before they switched to water polo! Ummmm...I'm sure there's SOMEONE who cares about water polo...but it's NOT me and I was quite aggravated by that! But, by the time I figured out that my 10 minutes of coverage was all I was going to get, it was time to get ready for dinner. So, my 30 minutes of Wii tennis was going to have to do.
Today, I was determined to go to the gym with the boys. My youngest is over 6 weeks old now, which is when most daycares will take infants. My PLAN was to leave the house by 9am, since that's when childcare opens at the gym. Yeah...that didn't happen. A couple of things grabbed my attention and it was almost 11am before I was actually ready to go...well, that happened to be the exact moment when my youngest decided he was STARVING...which meant that everything came to a halt as I sat down to feed him a bottle. By the time I actually made it to the gym (and yes, I DID go!), I only had 15 minutes to workout before childcare closed. The old me would have given up when the baby started crying, declaring it not worth the effort. But, I decided not to let it stop me and I went and worked out on the elliptical for those 15 minutes because that gives me the most bang for my buck! I got 5 points for those 15 minutes, where I only got 3 for my 30 minutes of Wii Tennis! ;) So, was it worth all the hassle? You bet! And what's even better? Instead of swinging through McDonald's after my workout (which old me totally would have done, and thus it in fact would NOT have been worth it!), I came home to my leftovers from last night! And...if I can swing it, I'm planning to go BACK to the gym after my hubby gets home! So there! ;)
It's a long process, I know that! There are going to be times in my life when I'm not going to be able to follow the plan exactly...but I'm learning to roll with those punches and keep on keeping on! :) I cannot let one (or two, or three, or...) speed bump stop me from my ultimate goal...to get healthy enough to really enjoy my boys and stick around for all those most important events in their lives! :) This blog is a part of that. It may sound a little crazy...but just knowing I was going to write about the shower and dinner last night (with the title of this post already in my mind), gave me the determination I needed to make it to the gym today. Maybe tomorrow, I'll make it there early enough to get 30-45 minutes of exercise in. But, if I only get 20, then I'll deal with it and move on. It's not about being perfect...it's about persistence! :)