Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Time for an Update! ;)

Sorry for the delay in posting updates...I have had a lot of "life" going on lately!  As I mentioned in my last post, my dad has been in the hospital.  He's home now, but he's still dealing with the health issues...most likely a life-long thing for him at this point.  My birthday also happened in this time span...which brings with it a whole host of issues (both good and bad)!  ;)  So, to just say "life happened" is probably a huge understatement, but is better than burdening you with all the crazy details!  LOL!

Anyway, my point being that no matter what you do to lose weight, life is going to happen.  You are going to have birthdays, parties, events, special occasions, sad times, stressful times, crazy-out-of-control times, etc.  You can't let that sidetrack you completely from the big picture!  If you do, then you fail.  BUT...if you pick yourself up (yes, I must say it...by your bootstraps!), and keep going, then you succeed!  You might not get there as fast as you would like, you may not do all you want to do...BUT, you will get there if you don't give up!

That's where I am today!  We have had a constant stream of cake and/or cookie-cake in our house since my son's 1st birthday in June...and I have enjoyed every single bite, I'm not gonna lie!  ;)  But, as a result, my weight loss the last couple of weeks has not been what I would like it to be.  On more than one occasion, I have eaten past the point of fullness...sometimes to the point of feeling stuffed (think: after Thanksgiving dinner stuffed)!  The good news is that I've felt this stuffed on far less food than I would have in the past!  I felt stuffed on less food than I would have normally eaten in a given sitting just 3 months ago!  And I'm thankful for that!  That, in itself, is progress!  And now that the eating out and sweets in the house period is over for the time being, I'm getting myself back on track!

So, while the scale hasn't really moved for me the last couple of weeks, I still feel like there has been success.  I'm more conscious of what I eat, I'm full (or even stuffed) on far less food, and unlike years prior to this, I have not gained significant weight eating as I have the last few weeks!  I usually gain 3-5 pounds during my birthday week...just from all the eating out (LOVE those free birthday meal coupons I get in my email inbox!) and cake!  But, in the last two weeks, I've only gained a pound (when I weighed in on Friday)...and by Monday, I had lost that pound.  I can only attribute this to the Plexus Slim that I've been taking!  There certainly hasn't been any exercise happening in my life lately...unless you count parking a little further away from the store from time to time, just because it was the first parking spot I found!  ;)  But, each day is a new day and I'm working myself up to actually getting some exercise into my daily (or at least weekly) routine!

I know two things happen when I actually do get regular exercise: (1) I feel better, and (2) I lose weight faster!  So, even though I'm still at an average of 1.5 pounds per week of weight loss, I really wanna ramp it up!  But, in order to do that, I've gotta drag my lazy butt out of bed at 6am...not something that comes easy to this non-morning-person gal!  I'd much rather exercise mid-morning...it's when I'm more awake and have the energy to go...but, that doesn't work well for my schedule during the week.  In order to get to a gym that has child care, I have to drive across town...and I have to get there and complete my workout before noon. Between my 9-year-old who shares my aversion to mornings and my 1-year-old who takes a mid-morning nap, this makes doing this nearly impossible.  So, if I'm going to fit this in on a regular basis, I either need to resolve myself to getting up earlier (and missing out on that precious last-minute morning sleep while hubby showers) or go in the evenings after hubby gets home...but that would make my exercise sporadic at best because of the things I'm involved in that meet in the evenings and my desire to spend time together as a family when we are all home.  So...mornings it is!  Please pray for me!  I'm gonna need it!  ;)

God bless you all...no matter where you are on your journey!  Regardless of whether you don't really need to lose weight, are in the process of losing weight, or need to lose weight but haven't found the motivation...I pray that you enjoy reading my blog and find some enjoyment/encouragement from it!  :)  Feel free to leave comments or contact me at karaj.plexus@gmail.com for more info.  :)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Weekly Weigh-in Report

My hubby was off today, so we slept in and I weighed in a few hours later than I usually do...but it was still before I had breakfast, so I'm going with it.  :)  I am down another 2.6 pounds this week, which makes my grand total 17.4 pounds since April 19th.  :)

In addition to the loss on the scale, I also had a non-scale victory.  Wednesday, I put on a size 22 jeans and not only did they fit, but they were actually a little loose.  :)  While some people would be sad about that size, it actually was a victory for me!  You see, before my Plexus journey began, I couldn't even fit into a size 24...and I refused to buy any size larger than that, so I just bought pants with elastic & vague sizing so that I didn't have to face how big I was getting.  But, Plexus is changing all that!  :)  I knew I needed a belt with those size 24 jeans I was finally fitting into, so I decided to give my 22's a shot...and was pleasantly surprised that they fit!  Later that evening at church, a friend noticed me hitching them up and said, "Pants getting loose?"  I was happy to report to her that not only were they loose, but they were at least 2 sizes smaller than what I'd worn before!  :)

It's been a crazy week...my dad went in the hospital Tuesday night with many health issues.  I'm 650 miles away, so I'm having to rely on family for updates.  Thankfully, they've been pretty good at keeping me posted.  But, I'm having a hard time focusing, as you can imagine.  Sorry for the short post, but I am literally worn out from worrying about him.  If you believe in God, please say a prayer for my dad.  <3  

God bless!