No, I haven't totally fallen off the wagon and no, I haven't given up. It's just been a busy month for me and I haven't had the chance to blog. On March 19th, I lost 3 pounds (bringing me to 58 pounds total lost pounds)...and then life got REALLY busy! While still at my WW meeting, I got a text message asking if we could take in an 8-year-old boy and his 5-year-old sister. If I haven't mentioned it before, my husband and I are foster parents. While we had a bed for the little girl, taking her brother would take some juggling. We had to get an extra bed for our boy room and do some re-arranging of furniture to make that bed fit! The kids are just the sweetest...but with every new foster placement comes extra stuff to do...people coming to visit the house, letting the school know we are now the parental contact, making appointments, etc. All this and I'm still working on my master's degree online and doing the day-to-day stuff of having five of my own kids (plus homeschooling the oldest, church ministry, etc.). To say it was a stressful week would be an understatement! The picture above was one I found to represent a busy mom...but this picture might be a little more accurate of what my life is like...
Anyway, I lost another 2.4 pounds that spite of some stress eating that I did that week (thank you, Plexus!). The following week, I stayed EXACTLY THE SAME...not an ounce either way! I'm not gonna lie...there was some stress eating going on that week, too. But, I didn't gain, so I was happy (especially since I was pretty sure I was going to gain at least a pound that week)! Last week, I lost 4/10 of a pound...still on the downward slide, so all is good! So...right now, I'm sitting at a grand total of 60.4 pounds gone...which is apparently what FIVE weiner dogs would weigh!
I have done all of this with almost NO exercise (with the exception of an exercise spurt here and there)...but tomorrow, that will change! Several of my friends attend Burn Boot Camp and apparently, Facebook thinks I need to join them because I've been seeing an ad for them ALL WEEK! They are running a $59 for 4 weeks I finally gave in and signed up tonight. Oh...if you KNEW the research that went into this decision (as if I didn't have enough research to do for my master's degree assignments)! It all started when another friend of mine talked me into going with her to a free class there with her on New Year's Day to try it out. I made it through...but didn't feel ready for that level of exercise.'s been nagging at the back of my mind ever since and with less than a half of a pound lost in two weeks and some seriously flabby arms (because even though the fat is making an exodus, the skin is still the same size it was when it inhabited the fat), I have decided to give it a go. It's only a 4-week if I can't keep up (or die trying), we've only lost $59. you are caught up. OK...probably all 3 of the people who read this blog already know me personally and knew all of this anyway...but maybe, just maybe, somewhere along the line someone I don't know will read this and be encouraged by it! ;)
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